The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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/* dump.c (10/83) Debug style dump of a file from any starting position.
Usage: dump filespec [block [page]] | [segment:[offset]] [count]
Where a block is 64K bytes and a page is 256 bytes.
Segment:offset are standard 8086 notation in hexadecimal.
Count is the number of bytes to dump in decimal.
dump b:\calc\data.dbm 1 16
Positions file to absolute offset of 1000:1000 or 69632.
dump bigfile :4F0 256
Positions file to absolute offset of 4F0H or 1264 and
dumps 256 bytes.
The original source for dump was found on Lynn Long's BBS in Tulsa. I
modified it to include file positioning. It has proven to be a great tool at
times when I have to work with binary files that often exceed several million
I have been using the Lattice 'C' compiler for about a year now and have
been very pleased with it. I have re-written the level 1 I/O routines to take
advantage of DOS 2.0 path names, etc. and modified the _main module to allow
me to load and execute programs from within 'c'.
Ted Reuss c/o South Texas Software, Inc.
Home: 713/961-3926 4544 Post Oak Place, Suite 176
Offi: 713/877-8205 Houston, Tx 77027
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h> /* Lattice character type macros */
#define FAIL 1
#define SUCCESS 0
#define TRUE (-1)
#define FALSE 0
#define NULL 0 /* null pointer value */
#define FOREVER for (;;)
#define PAUSE if (getch()=='\0') getch();
#define STDIN 0
#define STDOUT 1
#define STDERR 2
#define BUFSIZE 512
typedef unsigned ushort;
typedef int void;
int _fmode = 0x8000; /* Lattice 'c' - forces binary I/O */
extern short errno; /* DOS 2.0 error number */
long lseek();
char buffer[BUFSIZE]; /* input buffer */
ushort block = 0; /* block number ( 64k bytes/block ) */
ushort page = 0; /* page number ( 256 bytes/page ) */
ushort segment = 0;
ushort offset = 0;
long filpos = 0; /* beginning file position */
long count = 0x7FFFFFFFL; /* number of bytes to dump */
main(argc,argv) /* DUMP ENTRY */
int argc;
char *argv[];
char c;
ushort i, numin, tot, file, cfrom, flag = 0;
if (argc < 2)
abort( "Usage:dump filespec [block [page]] | [seg:[ofs]]", 0, 0 );
if ((file = open( argv[1], 0 )) == -1)
abort( "cannot open", argv[1], errno );
if (argc > 2) {
if ((flag = stpchr( argv[2], ':' )) != NULL) {
i = stch_i( argv[2], &segment );
stch_i( argv[2]+i+1, &offset );
if (sscanf( argv[2], "%d", &block ) != 1)
abort( "invalid block", argv[2], 0 );
if (argc > 3)
if (sscanf( argv[3], "%d", &page ) != 1)
abort( "invalid page", argv[3], 0 );
if ( flag ) {
filpos = (long)segment*16L + (long)offset;
tot = offset;
else {
filpos = (block * 65536L) + (page * 256);
tot = page * 256;
segment = block * 4096;
if (lseek( file, filpos, 0 ) == -1L)
abort( "positioning to", argv[2], errno );
if (argc > 4)
if (sscanf( argv[4], "%ld", &count ) != 1)
abort( "invalid count", argv[4], 0 );
do { /* read & dump BUFSIZE bytes */
numin = read( file, buffer, BUFSIZE );
if (numin == -1)
abort( "cannot read", argv[1], errno );
while (cfrom < numin) {
ohw(segment); /* print offset in hex */
putchar(' ');
for (i=0; i < 16; i++) { /* print 16 bytes in hex */
putchar(' ');
putchar(' '); putchar(' '); putchar(' ');
cfrom -= 16;
for (i=0; i < 16; i++) { /* print 16 bytes in ASCII */
c = buffer[cfrom] & 0x7f;
if ( isprint(c) ) /* if printable character */
putchar('.'); /* else print period */
putchar('\r'); putchar('\n'); /* print CR/LF */
if ((count -= 16) <= 0) /* is count exhausted? */
} /* end of while */
tot += numin;
if ( tot == 0 )
segment += 4096;
} /* end of do */
while (numin == BUFSIZE);
} /* end of main */
void ohw(wrd) /* print a word in hex */
ushort wrd;
ohb( wrd>>8 );
ohb( wrd );
void ohb(byt) /* print a byte in hex */
char byt;
onib( byt>>4 );
onib( byt );
void onib(nib) /* print a nibble as a hex character */
char nib;
nib &= 15;
putchar((nib >= 10) ? nib-10+'A': nib+'0');
void abort( msg1 ,msg2 ,errno) /* print error msg1, msg2, and nbr */
char *msg1,*msg2; /* Does not close files. */
short errno;
char stemp[10];
write( STDERR, "ERR: ", 5 );
if (msg1)
write( STDERR, msg1, strlen(msg1) );
if (msg2)
write( STDERR, " ", 1 );
write( STDERR, msg2, strlen(msg2) );
if (errno) {
sprintf( stemp," #%d", errno );
write( STDERR, stemp, strlen(stemp) );
write( STDERR, "\r\n", 2 );
_exit( FAIL );
/** END DUMP **/